Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)

Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)

This policy outlines the procedures that employees of ServiceMaster must follow to lock out any machine, device or thing to prevent it from accidentally starting, thereby endangering the safety of a worker. The policy is designed for the safety of all Company personnel working with or near hazardous energy sources. It is the responsibility of each person and supervisor to make sure that these guidelines are followed.



Authorized Person – An employee or contractor who is authorized to implement the lockout/tagout procedures on machinery or equipment to perform the service or maintenance work. 


Lockout – The use of an assigned lock and key to hold energy isolating devices such as electrical disconnect switches or valves in place.


Locks – Must be padlocks of such durability and key code complexity that removal by any means other than its regular key would require excessive force. They must be assigned to a specific person and have only two keys – one for the individual and one for the job supervisor.


Tagout – Means by which to advise other persons not to operate the tagged machinery.


Tags – Must be distinctive “DANGER DO NOT OPERATE” tags that are capable of withstanding the environment to which they will be exposed for the expected duration of the tagout.



Only authorized persons shall perform lockout procedures; locks and equipment shall be issued on an individual basis. 


Authorized persons shall be issued their own individually keyed lock that is labeled with the individual’s name and other identification. The lock shall be used only by the individual to whom it is issued and is not to be loaned out. 


Employees are not to use equipment or machinery with a tag on the device.


Working at a Client’s Site

ServiceMaster staff may be required to use the client’s lockout procedures as required by the client. Staff must receive full training from the client on the correct lockout procedure for their property and equipment. If the client does not have a lockout procedure, staff must use the ServiceMaster procedure. If they are unable to do so, they must not proceed without further instruction from the Supervisor.


Shift Changes

If servicing lasts more than one work shift, lockout/tagout protection must not be interrupted.


Absence of the Worker who Applied the Lock

If the worker who applied the lock is not available to remove it, the lock can be removed only in an emergency and only under the direction of the Supervisor.