

ServiceMaster places a high value on attendance and punctuality, and expects all employees to arrive at work on time for their scheduled shift on each work day. Regular attendance and consistent punctuality are critical to the goals, objectives, effectiveness, and standards of ServiceMaster and its business operations.



Culpable (Blameworthy) Absence – Absence from work due to factors within the employee’s control. Culpable absenteeism includes failure to notify, absences without approval and abuse of leave. 


Non-Culpable (Innocent) Absence – Absence from work due to illness, or non-occupational injury, including absences that may be a result of a disability other than a compensable illness or injury.


Roles and Responsibilities


  • Set a good example by being a positive role model for employees
  • Act responsibly in managing attendance in a reasonable, fair and consistent manner
  • Ensure employees are familiar with this policy and its related procedures
  • Provide accommodations for applicable leave of absences and disabilities



  • Attempt best efforts to be physically and mentally fit for work
  • Attend work on time for every scheduled day of work
  • Provide reasons for every absence or variation to normal hours of work
  • Follow the outlined absence reporting procedures
  • Assist in determining how long the absence will be, and what, if any, medical accommodation is required
  • Accept reasonable offer of modified work that meets any accommodation requirements based on medical information provided



It is the responsibility of ServiceMaster to ensure the consistent application of the Absenteeism policy. Upon receiving an absence notification, Management should first determine whether the absence is defined as culpable or non-culpable.


Reporting an Absence

Each employee is responsible for notifying their Supervisor at least five (5) hours before their shift for each day that the absence occurs, regardless of cause before their scheduled shift. 

Employees must provide a specific cause for the absence, subject to any limitations imposed by privacy or human rights laws including diagnosis and reporting when they are likely to return to work. Absences without excuse will not be tolerated and are subject to progressive corrective action.  


ServiceMaster reserves the right to terminate any employee who is absent for three (3) or more consecutive working days without notification and reasonable cause. 


Attendance Record

ServiceMaster will keep records of absences including the days absences are taken and the total number of days used as absence. Attendance records will be compared with peers in the same department to determine if the employee’s number of days absent is above the average. Records will also be reviewed to determine if there is a pattern of absences if the individual is commonly away from work on specific dates (e.g. Mondays or Fridays, before holidays).  


Doctor Notes

Doctor notes from a qualified heath practitioner will be required for personal emergency leave days for employees who are off for three (3) consecutive working days. Any employee who has been absent due to an illness or injury for more than ten (10) days per calendar year shall have their attendance reviewed. The employee may be required to submit a physician’s note or other medical evidence to validate additional personal emergency leave days registered for the year. 


If accommodation is required, ServiceMaster will request for the employee’s medical advisor to complete a questionnaire that is intended to provide the following information:

  • Details of functional limitations;
  • Scope of conflict between functional limitations and the employee’s job duties, if any; and
  • Projected time limits for persistence of functional limitations.


Absences related to a leave other than personal emergency leaves shall refer to the Leave of Absence policy.


Culpable Absence

Examples of a culpable absence includes but is not limited to sleeping-in, missed alarm, traffic, car problems, leaving work without permission, failing to correctly notify the employer, not providing outlined medical documentation and failing to comply with the roles and responsibilities outlined in this policy. 


ServiceMaster may also objectively identify an absence as unreasonable or abusive. ServiceMaster will remain vigilant of the following sick leave patterns, particularly if the patterns are chronic and persistent:

  • Absence on weekends, where the employee is scheduled to work
  • Absences during the day before and/or the day after scheduled vacation days or public holidays
  • Absences where an employee calls in sick immediately after another sick day has accrued
  • Situations where the absence coincides with a desirable day off


Culpable absences will follow a progressive discipline procedure according to the Discipline Procedures policy.


Non-Culpable Absence

ServiceMaster has the right to expect that employees will regularly attend work, however, sometimes employees must be absent for reasons beyond their control (e.g. because of illness or bona fide disability).


The process of addressing non-culpable absenteeism is supportive and non-disciplinary in nature. However, employees may ultimately be terminated if they have so many non-culpable absences that they are unable to fulfill their employment obligations. 


ServiceMaster shall consistently meet the duty to accommodate disabled employees when it deals with non-culpable absences. Disabled employees shall receive an individualized assessment of their innocent absenteeism, and their termination will only be justified where ServiceMaster cannot accommodate the employee within the workplace without incurring undue hardship.


Managing Non-Culpable Absences

If at any point during a twelve (12) month period an employee is absent due to an illness on a number of occasions which is greater than the departmental average, a meeting will be conducted by the Supervisor to work with the employee on concerns related to attendance and encourage them to take steps to reduce or ideally eliminate the need for non-culpable absences. The purpose of the meeting is to:

  • Identify concerns with attendance
  • Explain attendance expectations
  • Explain the impact of absence on the work operation
  • Identify expectations for improvement
  • Identify resources for assistance
  • Identify a specific course of action
  • Allow the employee to address any concerns or any accommodation needs
  • Provide written documentation to the employee with expectations outlined in the meeting


If attendance does not improve, additional meetings will be held as deemed appropriate to reiterate all the information above and include the below additional information:

  • Identify possible consequences including that attendance is on record and could lead to transfer, demotion, denial of promotion 
  • Identify other options which may be pursued if there is no satisfactory improvement including termination