Background Check

Background Check

At ServiceMaster’s discretion, an employee may need to complete a criminal background check as a condition of employment. Background checks are designed to protect the safety and security of our employees and clients. 


Employees Over 18

Employees over 18 will sign a form at the office giving permission for CheckWell to perform the background check.


Employees must have two (2) pieces of identification for the background check. Primary ID is a government-issued photo identification which includes first name, last name, date of birth, signature, and photo. Examples of Primary ID includes (they must meet the criteria identified in the previous sentence):

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Age of Majority Card
  • Indian Status Card
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Provincial ID Card

Secondary ID is non-photo identification that must include first and last name. Examples of Secondary ID includes:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Immigration Papers
  • SIN Card

Note: a health card is not allowed for Primary or Secondary ID.


Employees Under 18

Employees under the age of 18 have 2 options.  They may either go to the police station and get their background check done before they come in to register. They must bring it to the office when they are signing up as a new employee and ServiceMaster will retain a copy for their employee file.  The other option is to have their guardian sign the Checkwell application.



Any results showing criminal activity are assessed on an individual basis and discussed promptly and discreetly with the candidate. Any action deemed necessary will be handled appropriately and professionally with the safety and needs of the Company’s stakeholders in mind. 


Employees have an ongoing responsibility during their employment to self-disclose any post-employment criminal convictions within three (3) business days of the conviction to their Supervisor. Employees that fail to disclose criminal convictions, fail to provide accurate details regarding criminal convictions, and/or fail to cooperate in the background check process will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination.


ServiceMaster Contract Services will deduct the cost of a background check from the employees first pay cheque.  After the 3 month probationary period, the employee will be reimbursed the amount if still employed with ServiceMaster Contract Services.


All information obtained in the police check is private and confidential and will be seen only by those necessary.