Conduct and Discipline

Conduct and Discipline

ServiceMaster has established a set of reasonable rules and guidelines for employees to follow. This policy has been adopted to ensure that employees have the opportunity to correct any performance or behavioural problems that may arise.

In the event that an employee of ServiceMaster violates a policy or exhibits problematic behaviour, a system of progressive discipline shall be utilized.

Employees will be given three (3) opportunities to correct the unwanted behaviour unless the behaviour or concern is one of a severe nature, in which case, progressive discipline can be accelerated to match the violation. Typically, progressive discipline will progress through the following steps:

  1. Coaching
  2. Verbal Warning
  3. Written Warning
  4. Termination

With each violation or apparent problem, the employee will be provided with a written document to: (1) alert them to the problem and provide a reiteration of the correct policy regarding the violation, (2) advise them of the consequences associated with further infractions, and (3) provide a suggestion towards a method of improvement. A copy will be provided to the employee and the original will be kept in the employee’s file.

All documentation of disciplinary actions must be reviewed and signed by the employee concerned and the Supervisor. If the employee declines to sign the written disciplinary document, the Supervisor will note the refusal to sign on the disciplinary action report.

All formal warnings will be kept active for a period of two (2) years, provided that the employee has not received further corrective counseling during that time. Any records pertaining to workplace violence or harassment will remain on the employee’s file indefinitely. If further offences have taken place, the past warnings will be referred to in the next set of progressive disciplinary actions.

Degrees of discipline shall be used in relation to the problem at hand. As the situation dictates, based on the past performances of the employee, and the seriousness of the violation, ServiceMaster reserves the right to skip any step in the disciplinary process and move straight to termination where necessary.

All violations or alleged violations will be properly investigated and documented. All measures that have been taken within the progressive discipline process will be documented and kept in the employee’s file.