Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Problems, misunderstandings and frustrations may arise in the workplace. It is ServiceMaster’s intent to be responsive to its employees and their concerns. Therefore, an employee who is confronted with a problem may use the procedure described below to resolve or clarify their concerns.

All employees are encouraged to bring forward any complaints or recommendations dealing with safety, health standards, proper working conditions, performance appraisals, discipline and fair management practices, without fear of reprisal.

Any disputes, controversies or suggestions must first be handled between the employee and his or her immediate Supervisor, unless they are serious enough to warrant intervention by the next level Management. Ideally complaints should be in writing and include all relevant circumstances. In absence of a written complaint, the Supervisor will formally record the complaint. Employees should obtain a solution within five (5) business days.

If the employee is not satisfied with the response, they have the right to discuss their concerns with the Supervisor who provided the response. If the Supervisor cannot fulfill the employee’s expectations and/or the conflict persists, the employee may decide to bring the matter, in writing, to the General Manager. The General Manager’s decision will be final.

Complaints relating to violence or harassment should follow the Workplace Violence and Harassment policy.