COVID Vaccination Policy

COVID Vaccination Policy





The purpose of this policy is to outline ServiceMaster Contract Services expectations, procedures, and requirements related to vaccination against COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This Policy is intended to promote the health and safety of the Company’s employees, contractors, clients, and their families by reducing the risks related to the spread of COVID-19 to the greatest extent possible, in addition to the various other health and safety measures and precautions that the Company has implemented or will implement from time to time.


The health and well-being of every employee, contractor, and client of ServiceMaster, and preventing the spread of COVID-19, is of critical importance to the Company. This is especially important because the Company’s employees and contractors regularly perform work in the offices/premises of our clients, many of whom are elderly, immunocompromised, or otherwise vulnerable individuals who are at high risk of serious complications if they contract COVID-19.


Additionally, many of our clients have children living in their homes who are not old enough to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and so it is critically important that we do everything we can to not endanger the families of our clients.


All ServiceMaster employees and contractors are expected to take all reasonable measures for their own health and safety and that of clients and others at the Company, as required by applicable occupational health and safety legislation.


Additionally, all employees and contractors of the Company must follow all other COVID-19 and/or health and safety related policies, procedures, and requirements of the Company, as implemented or amended from time to time.




COVID-19 presents serious workplace health and safety risks for the Company’s employees, contractors, clients, and the public at large. As the fourth wave of the pandemic continues, and as the Delta variant and other new/highly contagious variants of COVID-19 emerge, it is as important as ever for everyone to do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19.


COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).  Symptoms of COVID-19 include but are not limited to:


  • fever;
  • new or worsening cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • new smell or taste disorder(s);
  • unexplained fatigue/malaise or weakness;
  • nausea/vomiting;
  • diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • chills;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose or sneezing;
  • hoarse voice;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • headache; and
  • muscle or body aches.


It is possible for those without signs or symptoms of COVID-19 to have and transmit the virus to others.  The risk of severe disease resulting from COVID-19 increases with age but is not limited to the elderly, and risk for serious complications may be elevated for those with underlying medical conditions.




Effective September 27, 2021, this policy applies to all employees and contractors of the Company. The Company reserves the right to amend, replace, and/or modify this policy from time to time, in its sole discretion. All employees are required to comply with the requirements, terms, and conditions set out in this policy, as amended, modified, or replaced from time to time.


This policy must be reviewed by all existing employees and contractors once it comes into effect, and by new employees and contractors at the start of their employment or engagement with the Company. Such individuals must also sign an acknowledgment that they have read, understand, and will abide by the policy.


This policy, in its present form, represents the initial phase of the Company’s approach to COVID-19 vaccinations, and is subject to change as further public health guidance and related developments crystalize employers’ and employees’ respective rights and obligations with respect to vaccinations, and as the public health requirements and recommendations may change from time to time.




ServiceMaster strongly encourages everyone to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with vaccines which have been approved by Health Canada and/or the World Health Organization (“Vaccines”), unless they are unable to do be vaccinated for reasons related to protected grounds under applicable human rights legislation.


The Company considers Vaccines to be a very safe and effective way to protect its employees, contractors, clients, and their families from COVID-19.


Our customer’s may require proof of vaccination status to allow access to their premises, as such it may be necessary to be vaccinated to work in these specific locations at which time we will request that oour our employees or contractors.   Failure to abide by our customers requirements or policies may result in progressive discipline, up to and including termination of employment, in the case of employees, or termination of services engagement, in the case of contractors.


Although employees and contractors are free to disclose their vaccination status to others, such individuals are prohibited from asking one another if they have been vaccinated–only Operation/General and Human Resources Managers are permitted to ask other employees and contractors about their vaccination status.


The Company will not tolerate anyone treating any other individual disrespectfully or adversely because they have or have not been vaccinated. All employees and contractors are required to treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of their vaccination status, as required by the Company’s Workplace Harassment Policy and Program, including discrimination against those who cannot be vaccinated for reasons related to protected grounds under applicable human rights legislation is strictly prohibited.


Those who cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be subject to certain work-related measures for legitimate health and safety reasons, as set out below. Further, the Company reserves the right to impose additional work-related measures for legitimate health and safety reasons upon those who cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19. Such work-related measures could include being subject to more stringent health and safety requirements, such as wearing additional PPE, modified duties, or an unpaid leave of absence, subject to applicable human rights legislation.


Please note that many people who are fully vaccinated may still want to wear a mask and/or other PPE while working, even in situations where doing so may not be required, which is allowed. Please bear in mind that an individual’s choice to wear PPE or take additional health and safety precautions beyond those that are required by the Company does not necessarily mean that they are not fully vaccinated.




The Company will provide the following supports for people subject to this policy to receive a vaccine:

  • employees are permitted to use any paid sick days or paid personal days to which they are otherwise entitled to for the purposes of receiving a Vaccine, or while recovering from any side effects of a Vaccine;
  • assistance with booking a vaccine appointment;
  • peer-to-peer support; and
  • any other reasonable support required.




In all cases, the Company will provide workers with reasonable accommodation for any work-related limitations arising from protected grounds under the Code, up to the point of undue hardship. The Company reserves the right to request further information related to a worker’s request for accommodation, and the worker must fulfill their legal duty to cooperate with the Company throughout the accommodation process. Email your accommodation request to or call (905)274-2327.




The personal information that must be disclosed under this policy, as set out above, is required so that the Company can make informed decisions with respect to the health and safety measures that may need to be implemented in the workplace for the duration of the outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic, and so that it can ensure compliance with any applicable legislation, regulations, guidelines, and/or public health guidance that may differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.


In accordance with the Company’s privacy policy, individuals’ personal health information will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible, and shall not be disclosed to anyone else, other than Human Resources, unless absolutely necessary to implement health and safety requirements, as determined by the Company, in its discretion, or as required by law.



Failure to abide by this policy may result in progressive discipline, up to and including termination of employment, in the case of employees, or termination of services engagement, in the case of contractors.


In particular, any falsifications, misrepresentations, or omissions by an employee with respect to their vaccination status for the purposes of the requirements set out above may be grounds for the immediate termination of their employment for cause.