First Aid

First Aid

ServiceMaster will protect the health, safety and well-being of its employees. The Company will ensure that any person injured or ill in the workplace shall be provided with the utmost care, and that prompt and proper first aid will be administered by a certified First Aid Attendant. 


ServiceMaster will provide properly stocked first aid kits, and will keep a record of all first aid treatment provided. 


In the case of off-site employees, employees will be shown the location of First Aid Kits in customer premises.  If not accessible, a First Aid Kit will be provided in the janitorial room.


First Aid Station

The First Aid Station will be located within quick and easy access of all employees. The First Aid Kit will be adequately stocked, as per Regulation 1101 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. 


First Aid Kit in Vehicles

All individuals who own a Company vehicle are required to have a portable First Aid kit in their cars when on ServiceMaster business. The kits will be provided by ServiceMaster and are under the responsibility of employee to ensure the kit is kept up-to-date and filled.


First Aid Training

At a minimum, ServiceMaster will ensure that at least one (1) Certified First Aid Provider will be available during every shift. A list of Certified First Aid Providers, along with a copy of their current certification, will be posted on the health and safety bulletin board. 


ServiceMaster shall also ensure that the Certified First Aid Provider works in the immediate vicinity of the First Aid Station. In accordance with the First Aid Regulations 1101, the First Aid Training must provide the participant with a valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid Certificate, or its equivalent, upon successful completion of the First Aid Training Course.


Reporting Requirements

The First Aid Attendant will be required to record in the First Aid Logbook, all treatment given to an employee. Should the injury/illness be serious enough that medical attention is required, an injury/illness incident report shall be completed by the Supervisor. Refer to the Injury and Incident Reporting policy for more information. 


Inspection Requirements

At least once every three (3) months, the worker representative of the JHSC shall inspect the First Aid Kit, and the equipment in the First Aid Station to ensure that the kit is adequately stocked with supplies and that a sufficient number of injury/illness incident forms are supplied. 


The JHSC Worker Representative shall initial the inspection record attached to the First Aid Kit every month. If there are any supplies or deficiencies identified, it will be noted on the JHSC Monthly Inspection Record and the kit will be restocked within a reasonable time period (no later than one (1) week).


Transportation of Injured Worker

Should any person at ServiceMaster become injured or ill on the premises, the Injury and Incident Reporting policy shall be followed to ensure that the person is safely transported to their desired destination, according to the following procedure.