Hazard Reporting

Hazard Reporting

All employees must know about any hazards in the workplace and how to handle/control them.  This includes how to report hazards. Employees must know the hazards in their specific job and be given instruction on safe practices/operating procedures.


For the purpose of this policy a hazard is defined as anything that can cause injury or illness, or damage to property. A hazard may occur from what people do or from their working conditions. 


It is the duty of all employees to report hazards to their Supervisor. This should be done using the Hazard Reporting Form following the procedure below. All hazards will be identified as major, moderate or minor as defined here, and will be dealt with in priority sequence. 

  • Major hazards are defined as those with a high risk potential. They are serious or significant hazards, and should receive high priority for immediate controls or elimination.
  • Moderate hazards are defined as those with medium risk potential and require controls as soon as possible.
  • Minor hazards are defined as those with low risk potential and require controls after any higher priority hazards have been addressed.


If the hazard is minor and can be corrected in a safe and healthy manner by the employee and their Supervisor, they should do so (i.e. moving boxes that are blocking a doorway). All other hazards that are more serious or require expertise should be dealt with by the Supervisor with the assistance of a Joint Health and Safety Committee representative. The Supervisor will respond to the Hazard Reporting Form as soon as possible within twenty-one (21) days of receiving the report. 


Once a hazard has been identified, employees should warn co-workers of unsafe conditions or practices that could cause or lead to accidents.


Staff will report any hazards or other issues that become apparent in the location that they are working to the Supervisor. Staff are not to commence or continue work in any location where they feel there is a hazard risk. All staff will be educated on how to identify potential hazards.