Hours of Work

Hours of Work

Hours of work are assigned on an individual basis depending on the job requirements. It is important that employees adhere to the hours assigned to them. Employees who are unable to show up to work on time should follow the Absenteeism policy. 


Employees who work over five (5) hours will receive a half-hour (1/2) hour unpaid meal break to be used within five (5) hours of the start of their shift.


Any changes to the assigned area of work should be reported to the Supervisor. 


Employees are not contractually entitled to work overtime. As such, all overtime hours must be authorized by the Supervisor in advance of overtime hours worked. Paid leave (holiday, vacation or sick time) may not be used towards overtime. ServiceMaster will do its best to ensure that employees are not required to work overtime on a regular basis.


Office hours are 8:30am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The Supervisor cell phone number can be used if calling after office hours.



ExpressTime is a Security and Timekeeping system used by ServiceMaster. This system is designed to record the time of arrival and departure of employees at work.


Upon arrival at the work site, all employees are required to “clock-in” to work by using a designated work site phone by calling 905-274-1783. The system prompts the user to enter their personal four (4) digit pin and the four (4) digit building code. The system then prompts the user to clock-in by pressing one (1). 


When the employee has completed their work for the day, they are required to call into the ExpressTime system and “clock-out” from the designated onsite phone by calling 905-274-1783. The system prompts the user to enter their personal four (4) digit pin and the four (4) digit building code. The system then prompts the user to “clock-out” by pressing two (2).


If an employee cannot use the system for any reason, they must inform their Supervisor immediately. The Supervisor will report this to the office immediately.


Signing in for another employee is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate dismissal.