Housekeeping (Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention)

Housekeeping (Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention)

ServiceMaster will take all reasonable precautions in the prevention of workplace hazards that may cause slip, trips and falls.


Preventing Interior Slips, Trips and Falls

Common causes of interior slips, trips and falls include:

  • Debris
  • Spills 
  • Loose tiles
  • Greasy, wet or unclean floors
  • Obstructions that interfere with traffic flow
  • Cleaning floors
  • Employees running or engaging in horseplay


Every employee must be proactive in identifying the following issues, and take the necessary steps to eliminate these problems.

  • Inspect that the floors in aisle ways are free from obstructions that interfere with traffic flow.
  • Inspect that all floors are clean and free from dirt, food wrappers or other trash.
  • Ensure that garbage bins never are overflowing.
  • Ensure that floors are free of cracked, chipped, or missing floor tiles.
  • Put out mats, if available.
  • Ensure floor is free of water or other liquids.
  • If liquid is on floor – put out wet floor signs first then clean up spills immediately with dry mop. Identify and remove source of liquid on floor.
  • Look for the following, and address them immediately:
    • Spills
    • Seepage
    • Dripping
    • Splashing
  • If floor is wet due to bad weather, set warning cones or signs in clear view for employees to see.
  • Remove cones once floor is dry.


When cleaning floors, avoid wet mopping during busy usage periods and ensure correct methods and substances are used to clean floors. If floor is wet, warning cones or signs should be set in clear view for everyone to see.


Preventing Exterior Slips, Trips and Falls

Common causes of exterior slips and falls include:

  • Debris
  • Water or grease
  • Ice and snow
  • Obstruction of vision when walking
  • Unfamiliar area/parking lot
  • Uneven ground


Inspect parking lot and exterior walkway to ensure:

  • Surface is free of cracks, holes and obstructions that could interfere with foot traffic
  • Bumper blocks unbroken and secured to the ground
  • Area free of obstacles such as tools or ladders
  • Area free of debris
  • Area free of spills or standing water
  • Salt is applied to area if required
  • Handicapped parking, ramps, and access ways is free from obstructions
  • Handicapped parking is indicated with signs or painted symbols
  • Ramps are clear and accessible
  • Walkways are clear of low hanging tree branches


Inspect exterior lighting to ensure:

  • Lighting is functional and illuminates all areas
  • If lights are not working contact maintenance


Personnel Working Off-Site

  • Ensure that employees take special care in different surroundings – client’s parking lots, driveways, walkways, sidewalks.
  • Have employees check with clients and customers in regard to potential hazards they may encounter on their work site such as trip and fall hazards.
  • Employees working off-site need to wear the appropriate footwear according to the job and potential for slip, trip and fall hazards.


General Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Tips

  • Organize your work to reduce walking as much as possible.
  • Keep shoes and boots in good repair.
  • Carry small loads close to your body and below chest level so you can see around the object being carried.
  • Close cabinet drawers and doors as soon as you are finished using them.
  • Slow down and take small careful steps on uneven or slippery surfaces.
  • Hold the hand rail when moving up and down stairs.
  • Inspect work areas for slip, trip and fall hazards regularly and report any deficiencies to your Supervisor.
  • Take extra care when you see a wet floor sign
  • Keep walkways and floors free of boxes extension cords and litter
  • Immediately move anything that is stored on or near stairways.
  • Ensure adequate lighting.
  • Report any uneven floor surfaces. 
  • Relay or stretch carpets that bulge or have become bunched to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Where possible, use no-skid waxes and surfaces coated with grit to create non-slip surfaces in slippery areas or use non-slip mats.


General Housekeeping

  • Ensure that individual work areas are kept clean at all times, allowing work activities to proceed in an orderly and efficient manner. Do not block aisle ways, exit routes or access to power, fuel water lines/switches or telephone panels.          
  • Keep floor surface free of garbage, scrap, debris and other trash material.
  • Clean up spills immediately using appropriate floor cleaning techniques.
  • If a spill cannot be cleaned up immediately, cordon off the area or mark it to ensure no one encounters the spill accidentally.
  • Floors should be cleaned but at a time when pedestrian traffic is minimal.
  • ‘Floor is slippery when wet’ sign should be used to mark area while floors are drying.
  • Keep equipment clean and in good working condition. Any equipment leaks should be reported immediately. 
  • Ensure tools, cords, and other materials are not strewn about where they may cause tripping or other safety hazards.
  • Store materials and equipment in appropriate storage locations.
  • Shelved items must be placed in an orderly manner and arranged so that the items cannot easily fall. 
  • Items should not be placed in front of shelves so that employees must climb or reach over the items stored in front of the shelves to retrieve items. 
  • Keep exits free from obstruction.
  • Report to your Supervisor if there is nowhere to store materials safely.
  • Report to your Supervisor if you observe any damaged equipment, flooring or any contraventions of this policy.
  • Running and horseplay are not allowed.
  • Avoid travelling with both hands full.