Procedure for Handling Sharps

Procedure for Handling Sharps

Sharps are objects or devices having sharp points or protuberances or cutting edges, capable of cutting or piercing the skin. Examples of sharps may include needles, razor blades, broken glass or other items that may cause a laceration or puncture. The following injuries may occur if sharps are handled unsafely:

  • Punctures
  • Cuts
  • Infections


Employees may be required to use a client’s handling sharps procedures as required by the client. Staff must receive full training from the client on the correct procedure for their property.


Personal Protective Equipment

  • Wear proper gloves resistant to punctures, cuts or moisture. 
  • Choose gloves based on the hazards normally expected for the task.


Material Handling

  • Let falling objects fall; don’t grab for falling cutting tools, sharp instruments or glassware.
  • Don’t reach into wastebaskets or disposal containers with bare hands.
  • Check bags before lifting to see if they are overloaded or likely to break.
  • Lift plastic bags from their tie-off point and paper bags by their edges whenever possible. 
  • Hold bags away from the body – never “bear hug” a bag.
  • Store sharps safely.
  • Use protective gloves to retrieve sharp objects.


Injury Cause by a Sharp

Following an injury, these steps should help reduce the potential spread of infection:

  • Get first aid or medical attention immediately:
    • Allowing the injury to bleed freely may help reduce possible contamination. 
    • Thoroughly wash with soap and water.
    • Blood tests and medications may be required.
  • Report the incident as per the Injury and Incident Reporting policy.