Social Media

Social Media

These online social media principles are intended to cover any interaction or activity with all Internet communications including, but not limited to: 

  • Social Networking Sites (Facebook, Myspace, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Google Plus) 
  • Micro-Blogging Sites (Twitter) 
  • Blogs (including company and personal blogs, as well as comments) 
  • Video and Photo Sharing Websites (Instagram, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Shutterfly) 
  • Forums and Discussion Boards (Google Groups, Yahoo! Groups) 
  • Online (Wikipedia) 
  • Instant Messaging Services (Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger) 
  • Review Sites (Google) 


Employees should abide by these guidelines whether they mention ServiceMaster by name or not. Even if the name is not mentioned in a post, it is possible a link can be made back to the Company which can negatively affect ServiceMaster’s reputation. Where a link can be made between a negative or inflammatory post and ServiceMaster, even if not named directly, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action. 


Representing Yourself

Our brand is best represented by its people and what you publish on social media may be connected to ServiceMaster. Employees are expected to use professional judgment when representing the Company, and take the most prudent action possible. 


If employees have a personal blog, they should have clear disclaimers that the views expressed in the blog are the employee’s alone not on behalf of the Company. In all postings, employees are to be positive, and respectful to the Company, to other employees, to customers, and all others.


Employees are prohibited from speaking on behalf of the organization, releasing confidential information, releasing news, or communicating as a representative of the organization without prior authorization. All media handling should be dealt with by the General Manager.



Employees are prohibited from using social media during regular working hours and should limit its use to breaks. The use of social media should not have a negative impact on user productivity or efficiency. Excessive use of social media for personal reasons is a misappropriation of ServiceMaster’s time and resources, and may be subject to disciplinary action.



Employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally both on and off duty. Where a staff member publically associates with ServiceMaster, all materials associated with their page may reflect on the Company. Inappropriate comments, photographs, links, etc. should be avoided.


Personal activities and posts should be conducted outside of working hours.


Confidential Information

Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not public. If there are questions about what is considered confidential, employees should check with their Supervisor. 



Any employee who fails to follow the guidelines set out in this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Posts involving the following will not be tolerated and will subject the individual to discipline: 

  • Proprietary and confidential ServiceMaster information; 
  • Discriminatory statements or sexual innuendos regarding co-workers, Management, customers, or vendors;
  • Defamatory statements regarding ServiceMaster, its employees, customers, competitors, or vendors; and
  • Containing threats of violence.