

All terminated employees will be paid in accordance applicable laws and all terminations will be conducted within the boundaries of the law.


Vacation pay entitlement and any time owing will be paid on the employee’s final pay cheque. Employees must return all ServiceMaster and/or customer property, including any keys before their final workday.


All records of termination will be filed in the employee’s file. 


Voluntary Termination

Voluntary terminations are due to voluntary resignation by the employee or job abandonment.  “Job abandonment” shall be defined as the failure to report back to work after three (3) consecutive business days missed without prior notification to the Supervisor. 


It is preferred that all employees give a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice. In the letter of separation, the employee must include:

  • The position they will be resigning from
  • The date of their final work day
  • The date of the notice
  • The reason for the separation (optional)


Involuntary Termination

Involuntary terminations are generally due to unsatisfactory performance, misconduct, layoff due to reduction or reorganization of the work force, or failure to meet the expectations of the Company.  


If it is found that the employee has committed a performance issue that requires immediate termination they may be supervised when collecting their personal items and asked to leave the property immediately. The employee will be asked to immediately return any keys or other ServiceMaster and/or customer property they may have.