Uniform Dress Code

Uniform Dress Code

ServiceMaster requires all employees to present themselves in a professional manner, with regard to attire, personal hygiene and appearance. Employees should note that their appearance matters when representing the Company in front of customers, visitors or other parties.


Upon hire, employee will be provided with two (2) ServiceMaster uniforms. It is expected that employees wear them every time they are at work. They must be neat and clean at all times. If wearing a ServiceMaster button up shirt, it must be fully buttoned except for the top button and tucked in.


It is not permissible for safety reasons to wear open toed shoes or shoes with more than a half-inch (½”) heel. Short are permitted in the summer months but must be no more than one-inch (1”) above the knee in length.


The personal appearance of employees is to be governed by the following:

  • Clean, properly fitting casual attire is appropriate.
  • Good personal hygiene must be maintained.
  • Clothing must not include any distinct logos.
  • No heavily scented perfumes, colognes and lotions. These can cause allergic reactions, migraines and respiratory difficulty for some individuals.  


The following are some examples of inappropriate dress:

  • Tattered clothing.
  • Items containing obscene, profane, discriminatory, provocative or inflammatory words or pictures.
  • Items advertising alcoholic beverages, drugs, drug paraphernalia.
  • Clothing revealing bare backs or midriffs.


If clothing or appearance fails to meet these standards, as determined by the guidelines, the employee may be asked to fix the clothing or appearance violation or be sent home to change into suitable attire.