

For vacation purposes, the vacation entitlement year is a recurring twelve (12) month period beginning on the date of hire.


Employees with less than five (5) years of service are entitled to two (2) weeks of vacation time after each twelve (12) month vacation entitlement year. Employees with five (5) or more years of consecutive employment are entitled to three (3) weeks of vacation time. 


Employees will also receive vacation pay at four (4) percent of their gross wages for those with less than five (5) years of employment and six (6) percent of the gross wages for employees with five (5) or more consecutive years of employment. Employees will see their vacation pay on each cheque. 


It is preferred that one (1) week is taken separate from the other one (1) or two (2) weeks. Vacation cannot be banked and used in subsequent years.


Employees are to submit a request to their Supervisor. ServiceMaster will review the request to determine if there are any conflicts and approve/deny as applicable.  


If you are requesting a vacation that is longer than you are entitled, we cannot guarantee that your position will be available on your return.  


If an employee is absent due to an approved leave of absence, they will continue to accrue vacation time only. Vacation pay is not accrued during such absences.