Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

ServiceMaster values the safety and well-being of their employees, and will provide every reasonable safety measure possible. In compliance with Federal and Provincial compliance regulations, ServiceMaster will provide WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) training for employees.



Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) – A comprehensive plan for providing information on the safe use of hazardous materials used in Canadian workplaces. Information is provided by means of product labels, safety data sheets (SDS) and employee education programs.


Globally Harmonized System (GHS) – GHS defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products, and communicates health and safety information on labels and safety data sheets (SDS). The goal is that the same set of rules for classifying hazards, and the same format and content for labels and SDS will be adopted and used around the world. 


Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – Summary documents that provide information about the hazards of a product and advice about safety precautions.


Roles and Responsibilities


  • Comply with all Federal and Provincial mandated legislation and requirements.
  • Ensure that information and training on hazardous materials is provided to all staff.  
  • Ensure that SDSs are available to provide additional information and detail on hazards and precautionary information.
  • Identify the hazards associated with the use, storage, handling, and disposal of the hazardous products.
  • Provide employees with easy access to information, including SDSs.
  • Educate and train employees who may be exposed.
  • Update SDSs and labels when significant new data is obtained from the supplier, and ensure employees receive education and training about the significant new data.
  • Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the program.



  • Ensure employees follow safe handling procedures when using, storing and disposing of hazardous products. 


Joint Health and Safety Committee

  • Conduct regular inspections including inspection of hazardous materials and SDSs.
  • Conduct an annual review of the WHMIS policy and training.



  • Participate in the WHMIS education and training.
  • Follow instructions and safe work procedures.
  • Be familiar with all hazardous products you are handling or to which you may be exposed (such as during a spill or fire). Do not use a product unless you have been trained in safe work procedures.
  • Ensure that labels are in good condition. Do not use products without labels.
  • Know how to access the SDSs, and understand the information.
  • Ask for help if you have questions.
  • Report any concerns.



ServiceMaster shall provide appropriate WHMIS training and education for all employees who are exposed or likely to be exposed to hazardous materials in the performance of their regular job duties. 



Suppliers are required to provide accurate SDSs at the time of sale. Suppliers will provide an updated SDS when significate new information become available. 


Hazard Identification

When a new product is brought into the workplace, the SDS will be reviewed to ensure the information is complete and accurate. Once the hazard has been reviewed, the Supervisor will make informed decisions regarding the storage, disposal, education, training, and emergency response of the product.



WHMIS inspections will be included in conjunction with the workplace inspections. This will include inspecting if:

  • Containers are in good condition.
  • All labels are in good condition.
  • Employees know to read the label before using a hazardous product.
  • Employees know that they must not use a hazardous product which is not labelled.
  • SDSs are available and in an accessible location for all employees.


Employee Education and Training

All employees who work with a hazardous product (or who may be exposed to a hazardous product) will learn about the hazards associated with these products.